Just a brief introduction, after all these years….John Saunders met Barbara Matthews in 1994 in Cleveland, Ohio, at Goose Acres Music and Folk Center when she became his mandolin student. With his instrumental virtuosity and her quirky mystical songwriting, they were soon inspired to form a duo to blend Celtic and Bluegrass with Medieval and Renaissance music. Soon, other genres jumped into the mix: rock and jazz, blues, world folk, and the many more originals they kept writing. And, yes, they married in 1996.
John and Barbiel, 1995Memories Below, (c)Matthews/Saunders, from Ye Travelers of Time CDJohn Saunders and Barbiel Matthews-SaundersJohn Saunders and Barbiel Matthews-Saunders, 1995Convivium Jig, (c) Matthews/SaundersJohn and Barbiel, Courtesy of Gerry Pas Studio, Chagrin Falls, Ohio
When John and Barbiel started out performing, they called themselves Sassafras. Fans will note that if they have the Satellite to Reason cd or the Convivium cd the mp3s will come up naming Sassafras as the artist, because we were….
Burning Sun, (c) Matthews/Saunders, from the Convivium CD
Many ask us, how did the name Silent Lion come about?
Well, we were performing at The Barking Spider back in 1999, and a musician friend came up and said to me, “John is so powerful on any one of the instruments he plays; and he doesn’t say anything. He’s like a silent lion!”
Yes, so we’ve used it since then, and registered it in 2000, and it suits us as a duo or when we’re joined by others.
But, John does speak. He says a lot, really.
courtesy of Gerry Pas PhotographyWhiskey Before Breakfast,Irish TraditionalGreat Lakes Medieval Faire Pub Sing, with Michael Manderen on viola da gamba, John on 10-string Irish Bouzouki, and Barbiel on guitar.
A La Una, Ancient SephardicMichael at the Jewel Stage presenting solo entrancements on lute, and viola da gamba.Canterbury Cocktail, (c) John SaundersMichael holding one of his traveling guitars, and Chris Puente at the Castle, Michigan Renaissance Festival, Setting up for The Queens’ Masquerade Ball.Rio Blue, Michael Manderen, and John Saunders sneaking in some jazz while on a break from the Renaissance Ball in Michigan.Ohios Dulc-i-more FestivalConvivium, early morning. Photo courtesy of Gary BrownThe old Minstrel Manor at Great Lakes Medieval Faire; L to Rt: Judy Frahm, Barbiel, Michael Manderen, John Saunders, Rio BlueHealth to the Company, traditional Irish, the faire farewell song made famous by our beloved Owain Phyfe. Ye Old Harmony Stage, GLMFJewel Stage, Michigan Renaissance Festival. L to Rt: Michael Manderen on viola da gamba, John Saunders on Irish Bouzouki, and Barbiel on guitar.